Saturday Special

The Asturian one shows its optimism, although it does not know if there will be option to the triumph. César Hernández: the source for more info. It considers that there will be no agreement between pilots not to use the back aileron. Still it aspires to the World-wide title, after five races. The Spanish Fernando Alonso (Ferrari) declared behind schedule this whom it would like to finish in podio the next Sunday in the Great Prize of Montecar it, because it is a special circuit. " Logically I would like to finish in podio, because it is a tremendously special circuit and to be in podio always is tuna and to gain the race would be very special. It is a race with many incognitos, some will be sprightly Saturday and others Sunday always suerte&quot is a factor; , it indicated.

It considers the evolution of the single-seater very important and will be Saturday in the evening when it is evaluated if " ganar&quot is possible;. This Thursday, after the training we will not either have a clear idea, but Saturday in the evening after crono, that in theory is but decisive here that in other great prizes, to see if we have a good one posicin". It continued explaining Fernando Alonso: " here it has to see if it appears the car for the first time of security in the season and there the luck, that pneumatic you have, in which begins to play a little moment of the race leaves and to make the decisions apropiadas". On the east resignation Tuesday of the technical director of Ferrari, Aldo Coast, does not think that " the technical reconstruction is going to affect much to which is this race in s". " I have seen a positive atmosphere here in the track, with the people of the track and many desire to work and to improve and to see if we can give a step forward. .

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The inner market, seriously affected Nevertheless, the inner market of the book if it has been seen seriously affected after invoicing in 2010 2,890, 80 million Euros, which supposes a 7% less than the previous year. The greater preoccupation comes from the reduction of a 3.2% that underwent the past year the nonuniversity text book sale, by a policy of " bad gratuity entendida" , and, also, by the slope of a 43.7% of the purchases for public libraries, tendency this last one that could be accentuated in 2011. " Desgraciadamente" , in Spain circular of the advisors of Education " they recommend that books are not bought, something unusual in the Europea&quot Union; , it added Avila, for whom Andalusia, Aragon and Castilla-La Mancha are the communities that practice a gratuity policy " deeply injusta" , because they try the same to everybody, independent of the level of income of its families. In the 2010 results also it influenced a conjunctural element: the past year best was no to seller of the pull of Millenium, of Stieg Larsson. The reduction continues in 2011 the reduction of the sales continues this year, and, according to the estimations that the publishers shuffle, the invoicing has fallen a 7% in the six first months of 2011 in relation to the same period of the previous year. The hopes are put in the campaign of the scholastic book in September and the one of Christmas, and the final results of 2011 also " they will depend on the resources that release to the central Administration and autonmicas" for the purchase destined to the libraries. *Puedes to buy your books in PopularLibros Source of the news: The inner book market falls a 7% while the exports increase a 3.5%